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Outomated Test Runner

Outomated test runner is responsible for configuring and running your ZWL tests. The VM that runs your tests keeps the test runner. Once a new request for run arrives, it comes into action, runs the requested tests and processes the result for you.

Take a look at following categories:

Managing TestsLearn how tests are managed in Outomated using projects, files and versions.
BuildsLearn what builds are and how they're used in Outomated.
Build CapabilitiesLearn how to pre configure OS and Browser pairs together with various browser and webdriver specific options such as for logging and debugging.
Build ConfigurationLearn how to configure build specific options such as defining a build capability, tests to run, display resolution and runner's preferences.
Global and Build VariablesLearn to use global and build variables and understand their benefits.
Dry Run ConfigLearn why and how to configure dry runs to let a dry run pass.
Running BuildsLearn about the various ways to run builds. Learn to run suite of tests and rerunning previously completed builds. Understand how to check build progress such as viewing live preview, real time logs and test detail.
Build Result and DetailLearn how to view and understand build result and detail such as logs, timings, screenshots, video, capability, config and more.
Debugging testsLearn the methods and tools available to help in debugging tests such as viewing logs, rerunning builds with debugging options, tweaking code etc.
CostsLearn how costs are calculated for running builds. Lean about restriction on parallel usage and other things.