Running Builds
While writing tests in IDE, you would run builds from IDE itself. IDE allows a faster way to run builds by connecting to an already running VM and reusing build configuration. There are many more options in IDE to productively run builds.
Once you've some successfully written and passing tests, you can use New Build at Outomated console to run them whenever you feel like. For example, after deployment to staging (Integration to CI pipeline will be available soon, for now builds have to be started manually). You can also re-run previously completed builds by just clicking a button.
When you run builds from console, a fresh VM is booted (booting new VM takes upto 2 minutes) to exclusively run the requested build. These builds generally don't require you to stare at them as they contain already passing tests. You may just start them and come back after sometime to see the results. If you need to see build progress at any point in time (specially for long running builds), there are options to live preview, real time output as well. Build progress also shows progress by each test so that you know which tests are completed, which is currently running and how much of it is done.
You should use IDE for running builds only for development. IDE uses a limited pool of resources reserved for tests development only. For day to day build runs, use Builds section in console as it guarantees your builds run in new exclusive VMs that die once builds complete. Builds from console are unattended and don't start live preview, live output by default which otherwise happen in IDE.
Running a new build from console- Go to New Build in console.
- The New Build page is a build configuration required to create and start a new build.
- Specify a build capability, tests needed to run as a suite, runner preferences and other options.
- Hit Run Build from the top. This will create and start a new build.
- You'll be redirected to Running Builds which shows build progress.
Re running a completed build- Go to Builds in console.
- If there are any previously completed builds, they will be listed by
build id
and if available, bybuild name
. - Select one of the build which opens up build detail page.
- From the top of page, hit Re run this build. This will duplicate (using the captured details of build) the selected build and start it. There is no way to specify any option when re rerunning a build because the captured details are used as-is. If your intention is to provide different configuration options, create a new build instead. To understand why build details are captured upon creation, see builds.
- Progress of the new build can be seen from Running Builds.
Viewing build progressOnce a build is created, it's progress together with all other running builds is available at Running Builds. Following image shows how a running build looks like:
To view build progress from Running Builds:
- If you need to watch the build live, click on Live Preview. This will open up a window and deliver live preview right from the VM running it.
- Build Output delivers real time output of the build, i.e the output generated by tests as they progress.
- Every test in the build tells the duration for which it's been running and a circular progress indicator that indicates how much of it is completed.
- As individual tests complete, their output, screenshots and preview become available.
- To stop the build, click on the square in red.
- The time on the top left tells total build time which includes tests run time and VM boot time.
- Once a build completes, it will start to show in Completed Builds from where you can view build results such as logs and other detail.